Top Denver Liposuction Center
We remove 50-100% more fat than our competitors
To schedule a consultation or ask any questions you may have please feel free to contact us. Consultations are always complimentary.

Our Procedures
VASER Liposuction
Love Handles Liposuction
Calves Liposuction
Chin Liposuction
Abdominal Liposuction
Brazilian Butt Lift
Hips and Waist Liposuction
Tummy Tuck
Vaser Hi Def Lipo
Pioneered by our founder Dr. John Millard, 4D VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction adds a fat transfer component to VASER Hi Def Liposuction.
Similar to a world-class sculptor who uses a medium (clay for example) to achieve beauty, we have pioneered ways of incorporating a patient’s own fat (autologous fat transfer (AFT) to fine tune nearly any part of their body.
Lessen pain, recovery & bruising.
Fewer deformities.
Take twice as much fat as traditional liposuction cases performed.
Skin Tightening – The VASER is a very powerful safe way
to accomplish “Superficial Liposuction”.Achieve twice the result in half the procedure time as traditional approaches.
Higher employee satisfaction rates and lower turnover.
More painful recovery in terms of bruising and pain.
More deformities with their results.
Take 50% less fat than what the modern technology we will utilize can.
Inability to tighten skin at the same time as the liposuction.
Slower technique than possible with latest technology
making the procedure more painful.High employee turnover with low employee satisfaction.