Tummy Tuck Recovery

Offered at our convenient location in Denver, CO

Tummy Tuck Recovery Denver, CO

A tummy tuck is a procedure that can achieve the smoother, tighter abdomen you have worked so hard for. However, it is important to understand that the recovery process after a tummy tuck is just as crucial as the surgery itself.

Advanced Body Sculpting Institute (ABS) provides state-of-the-art high quality surgical procedures to give patients the contoured bodies of their dreams. We focus on personalized surgical plans to make sure you are getting the best treatment, and that your recovery goes as smoothly as possible. 

If you are interested in a meeting to discuss a tummy tuck, schedule an appointment today with a patient coordinator by calling (303) 708-8770 or fill out this form to get started.

Before and After Photos

Types of Tummy Tuck

If a patient undergoes significant weight loss, whether as a result of surgery or exercise, they are often left with excess skin and fat that collects around the midsection. A tummy tuck can alleviate both physical and psychological symptoms, while allowing for body contouring and tightening that often gives them a new lease on life. With a smooth midsection, patients can show off their new body after doing the work of losing weight. Depending on your situation, there are a few different tummy tuck procedure techniques.

Traditional Tummy Tuck

In a traditional abdominoplasty procedure, the surgeon makes a horizontal incision from hip to hip along the bikini line. Skin and fat are removed before the belly button is repositioned to create an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Then the abdomen is carefully sutured starting at the inner layers of tissue and out toward the most fragile layer of epidermis. The scar is concealable, and the results can be immediately noticeable.

A traditional tummy tuck is suitable when the patient has a moderate to severe amount of excess skin and fat around the abdomen. The length of the incision allows the surgeon enough room to achieve proper removal and tightening. (1)

Extended Circumferential Abdominoplasty

When further resection of skin and fat is necessary from the sides and lower back, surgeons can extend their incisions to address it. During an extended  circumferential tummy tuck, the incision is extended beyond the hipbonegoes all the way around the lower abdomen. This tackles stubborn skin fat on the flanks and lower back. Although it leaves a larger scar, this technique can be used for comprehensive lower body contouring after significant weight loss. The circumferential approach is also used when a patient expresses discomfort with their upper posterior since it creates a moderate buttock lift as well. (2)

Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck

In some cases, patients may need more than one horizontal incision to address the degree of excess skin. A fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty is performed by adding a vertical incision to address the upper abdomen. For patients that have undergone bariatric surgery, the area of the body can extensively expand and cause skin laxity and ptosis (sagging). To tighten this area, an incision is made perpendicular to the traditional horizontal one, allowing the surgeon more control over the area. It can be a helpful technique for patients that present with severe excess skin in both the lower and upper abdomen, and when combined with a circumferential approach, results in complete restructuring of the area. (2)

Mini Tummy Tuck

When a mini abdominoplasty is performed, the horizontal incision is shortened dramatically for patients that have minimal excess skin suited for removal. This procedure is usually preferable for patients that experienced pregnancy and are left with only a small amount of lax skin and extra fat. The surgeon performs a traditional abdominoplasty with a much shorter and easily hidden incision site.

Tummy Tuck Recovery and Results

Your recovery time is dependent on your specific circumstances. Our surgeons perform procedures with rigorous safety protocols and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure your recovery runs as smoothly as possible. A few things that determine your recovery and downtime are:

  • Age
  • Overall Health
  • Procedural Approach

General Guidance

  • Expect to take at least a week off of work. 
  • Start going on easy walks immediately after your surgery to help circulation to the healing areas. 
  • Add healthy foods into your diet and get at least eight hours of sleep each night. 
  • Continue to avoid NSAIDs and any medications not permitted by your doctor. 
  • You may have trouble standing up straight for a while after your surgery, but this should get easier around your third postoperative week.

While some discomfort is expected during the initial stages of recovery, our surgeon will prescribe appropriate pain medication to keep you comfortable. It is crucial to take these medications as directed and communicate any concerns or changes in pain levels to our team.

Lifting & Straining

Tummy Tuck Recovery Denver, CO

It may be challenging to lift things, so make sure to have someone with you to help with daily activities for a couple of days after your procedure. Don’t lift anything over 5 pounds for at least the first six weeks. Any excessive bending or engagement of the abdominal muscles can greatly hinder your healing process. If your job requires heavy lifting, taking an extended period of time off will be helpful in your recovery. 

Incision Care

Directly after your procedure, you will have to rest in an angled position to not disturb incision healing. You’ll want to wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing to avoid disturbing your incisions. Keep your incisions clean and dry at all times, and periodically check them for signs of infection or abnormal irritation. You should also avoid any soaking in the bath for six to eight postoperative weeks.

Scar Maintenance

Depending on the procedure type, you will have a scar that runs along your bikini line extending from hip to hip. It will take a full year couple of weeks for your incision to fully heal. The scar will be red for at least 6 months as your skin regenerates, and avoiding any sun exposure will help the healing process. If you do go out in the sun, make sure to apply a liberal amount of sun protection to the area to protect your skin.

Results After Recovery

You will be able to gradually bring exercise and other rigorous activities back into your routine in the coming weeks. Taking the time to fully heal will help to ensure a smooth postoperative recovery and beautiful results.  

Results of a tummy tuck are considered long-lasting. You will be able to enjoy a smoother, flatter abdomen, and a better core strength. Any anxiety that may have revolved around your midsection will dissipate, allowing you to show off your new figure with ease. 

Maintaining a healthy weight and exercise routine can help your results last. Once fully healed from your tummy tuck procedure, you will enjoy the remarkable transformation of a flatter, more toned abdominal contour. The excess skin and stubborn fat that previously obscured your natural curves will be addressed, providing you with a renewed sense of self-confidence. 

How Much is a Tummy Tuck in Denver?

The total cost of a tummy tuck is determined by your specific treatment plan. Our team will customize your surgery to your needs. Discussing them with us at your consultation is the first step toward a sleeker and aesthetically pleasing midsection. Don’t hesitate to call us directly at (303) 708-8770, or you may fill out our contact form to schedule your appointment today.


What can I expect in the first few days of tummy tuck recovery?

Immediately after your abdominoplasty procedure, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treatment area. Your surgeon will provide pain management techniques to help minimize any discomfort. It is crucial to rest and allow your body to heal properly during the initial stages of recovery.

Are there any activity restrictions during tummy tuck recovery?

During the initial stages of recovery, it is important to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines on when you can gradually increase physical activity and return to your normal routine.

How can I minimize my scar after a tummy tuck?

Scar treatment options vary depending on the individual and the extent of the surgery. Your surgeon may recommend topical creams, silicone sheets, or other scar reduction techniques to help minimize the appearance of scars. It is crucial to follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding scar treatment to achieve optimal results.

How many follow-up appointments will I need after a tummy tuck?

You will may need several follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure proper healing. These appointments are crucial for evaluating the results of the surgery and addressing any concerns or questions you may have during the recovery period.

When can I return to normal activities after a tummy tuck?

The timing of returning to normal activities depends on the extent of the surgery and how well your body heals. Your surgeon will guide you on when it is safe to resume activities such as work, exercise, and other daily activities.


  1. Sadeghi P, Duarte-Bateman D, Ma W, et al. Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery: Abdominoplasty, the State of the Art in Body Contouring. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022;11(15):4315. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm11154315
  2. Mendes FH, Donnabella A, Fagotti Moreira AR. Fleur-de-lis Abdominoplasty and Neo-umbilicus. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2019;46(1):49-60. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cps.2018.08.007