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How Does SmartLipo Work?

SmartLipo is an advanced liposculpture technology that not only optimizes fat removal but also tightens skin for slimmer contours. The addition of laser technology means that SmartLipo goes further than most other liposculpture tools and technologies. For the past couple of decades, liposuction has been the go-to choice for body sculpting procedures. With the latest advancements in liposculpture technology, results have exponentially improved. But, the advantage of SmartLipo means that patients don’t have to worry about being underwhelmed or dissatisfied with their results. 

Liposuction patients can find themselves unsatisfied by loose excess skin in the treated areas and inconsistent fat removal. SmartLipo is designed to correct these pitfalls while also reducing the necessary recovery time. The surgeons at ABS use liposuction on many different parts of the body. But how exactly does SmartLipo work? And how does it produce better results than traditional liposuction? 

To see how liposuction can enhance your body sculpting procedure, schedule a personal consultation at our Englewood offices. Here, we examine your trouble spots and note your skin laxity – two important factors for determining eligibility for SmartLipo. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about us, call our front desk at (303) 708-8770.

Before & After Photos

Before and After Photos

What Is Traditional Liposuction?

Before we investigate how SmartLipo works, it’s important to understand what traditional liposuction entails and how SmartLipo has improved upon it. The advancements of SmartLipo technology were designed to reform the traditional liposuction process – and further enhance results. Since the 70s, surgeons have perfected this basic approach to give patients reliably slim contours. All liposuction procedures begin with a baseline incision close to the unwanted fatty tissue. From here, the surgeon uses a thin aspirating tube, called a cannula, to suction out fat cells from their connective tissues. Next, the surgeon works the cannula through the fatty areas, passing it through the fat cells. Once they have extracted the desired amount of fat, they close the incision and repeat the process on another fatty area. But traditional techniques didn’t always lead to optimal results. Two major pitfalls associated with liposuction are postoperative loose skin and minimal fat removal. 

Postoperative Loose Skin

Unlike your other organs, your skin is constantly exposed to photodamage from free radicals, pollutants, and UV radiation. This is why you need to wear broad-spectrum sunscreen and avoid too much UV exposure. Consistent exposure to these external factors exacerbates the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and loose skin. When you’re younger, your skin is uniquely equipped to handle the effects of these external factors by regenerating new skin cells and restoring damaged ones. This cycle is what keeps your skin tight and smooth as your body grows. But, this cycle slows down after adolescence. After this point, if your skin stretches from weight gain, it might not have the facilities to retain a smooth appearance. Once the underlying fat is gone, the skin oftentimes might look and feel loose from the excess skin. This is what many patients experience after a traditional liposuction procedure. The fat is gone, but their hard-earned contours are hidden behind hanging, excess skin. 

Inadequate Fat Removal

Traditional liposuction involves only a millimeter-sized cannula to extract fatty tissues. This thin tube needs a couple of passes to sculpt away the desired amount of fat. For smaller areas, this approach can lead to remarkable results. However, in places like the abdomen, thighs, or chest, this approach oftentimes achieves results that are too subtle or distractingly uneven

The creators of SmartLipo set out to correct this problem by introducing the effects of laser lipolysis to the aesthetics industry. But what exactly is laser lipolysis and how does it enhance your liposuction results?

About Laser Lipolysis

In 2006, the Food & Drug Administration approved laser lipolysis for the removal of unwanted fat.[1] The SmartLipo device uses a sequential firing laser that emits a 1064 wavelength pulsed energy to the fat cells. When these fat cells make contact with the laser, they absorb its energy and instantly heat up. This thermal effect causes the fat cells’ outer membrane to break, liquifying them almost instantly. That makes these cells easier to extract with suctioning power of a cannula. If the cells aren’t extracted from the body, the lymphatic system ushers them out over the next couple of days.

Why Choose SmartLipo

When it comes to deciding if SmartLipo is right for you, you first need to consider the benefits that come with this approach. Three main benefits make SmartLipo better suited to some patients than others. Those three benefits include:

Tandem Skin Tightening

When the laser energy causes a thermal effect in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, it also heats the skin’s water molecules, causing collagen fibers to retract, and over time, a spike in collagen production. This tightens the treated areas, leaving behind a firmer, slimmer contour. These thermal effects initiate a wound healing response that increases both collagen I and collagen III. This increases dermal thickness and collagen fiber density,[2] resulting in more robust, elastic skin in the treated areas.  

Better Results

When the laser energy liquefies the subcutaneous fat sturctures, it makes them easier to reach with an aspirating cannula. This means that larger areas like the abdomen, thighs, and chest see better, more desirable results. And the smaller areas like under the chin, love handles, and arms are better sculpted to fit your body’s natural musculature. SmartLipo lets us better achieve your ideal physique. 

Less Downtime

In traditional liposuction, general anesthesia is required to keep the patient sedated throughout the procedure. General anesthesia not only comes with numerous health risks but also tacks on multiple days of exhausting recovery. With SmartLipo, the patient is mildly sedated with a local anesthetic. This way we can communicate with them during the procedure and even have them stand up to evaluate the symmetry of their results in real-time. After a SmartLipo procedure, because less surrounding tissue was damaged, there is less painful swelling and bruising, meaning they can get back to their daily routine quicker!

Who Is SmartLipo For?

If you would like to see the benefits of liposuction for yourself, the first step is to schedule a personal consultation at our offices in Englewood. Here, we will assess your candidacy for SmartLipo. The main criterion is that we ask patients to be at a healthy, stable weight. If future weight is gained after your SmartLipo procedure, results will be greatly diminished. 

Your Consultation at Advanced Body Sculpting Institute

If your consultation is your first time with us, we will begin with a new patient intake interview and a physical examination. Most patients who come in seeking an advanced liposuction procedure have more than one trouble spot. We will examine each of your areas and note your skin’s laxity. Depending on these factors, we may recommend different liposculpture technologies that are better equipped to achieve your desired results. 

Any Complicated Preparations?

Before your liposuction procedure, we ask that you not use blood-thinning medications like NSAIDs, ibuprofen, fish oil, or certain herbal supplements. These will cause excessive bleeding during your procedure and disrupt your body’s natural healing process. Also, we suggest designating a caregiver to drive you home following your procedure. Even though a local anesthetic is used, your mobility may be limited, rendering you unfit to drive yourself home. 

A SmartLipo Procedure

A SmartLipo procedure begins by first administering a local anesthetic. Once you are comfortably relaxed and the target area is properly numbed, the SmartLipo device is placed under the skin and focused on the unwanted fatty tissue. After the thermal energy has disrupted the fat cells, the cannula suctions them away from the body. Once we have achieved your desired result, we suture the incision closed and wrap the area in a compression garment to enhance the body’s healing response. 

Is Recovery The Same With SmartLipo?

After your SmartLipo procedure, it’ll be important to focus on rest and recovery. Because we used a local anesthetic, you will be clear and awake when you leave our offices to begin the recovery process. The treated areas may feel swollen and tender. Be careful not to disrupt the area. During your follow-up consultations, we will note where you are in the healing process and if any specific steps need to be taken to further your recovery. 

How Much Does SmartLipo Cost in Denver?

The cost of your SmartLipo procedure will depend on the number of areas treated and the extent of your procedure. We will discuss and determine the cost of your care during your consultation. If you would like to see what our financing options are, check out our financing page. If you liked reading this blog, be sure to check out our others! Recently, we’ve discussed a novel way to get a stronger, more aesthetically-pleasing jawline. If you have any questions, be sure to call our front desk at (303) 708-8770.


  1. McBean, J. C., & Katz, B. E. (2011). Laser lipolysis: an update. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, 4(7), 25–34. Laser Lipolysis: An Update – PMC
  2. Barry E. DiBernardo, MD, Jennifer Reyes, PA-C, Preliminary Report: Evaluation of Skin Tightening After Laser-Assisted Liposuction, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 29, Issue 5, September 2009, Pages 400–407, Preliminary Report: Evaluation of Skin Tightening After Laser-Assisted Liposuction | Aesthetic Surgery Journal | Oxford Academic