After Weight Loss Tummy Tuck

Offered at our convenient location in Denver, CO

Tummy Tuck Advanced Body Sculpting Institute in Denver

An after-weight-loss tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the midsection. This procedure is especially helpful for patients who have lost a significant amount of weight as a result of medically-assisted weight loss through the use of GLP-1 medications like semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) and tirzepatide (Zepbound, Mounjaro), gastric surgery, or by the more traditional methods of dieting and exercise. Weight loss can have tremendous benefits for a person’s health but can unfortunately leave excess skin behind. This loose, hanging skin can come with its own health risks, such as being more prone to infection or bothersome chafing. (1)

At the Advanced Body Sculpting Institute in Denver, our team of plastic surgeons is skilled in the performance of after-weight-loss tummy tucks. If you are experiencing bothersome loose skin after a successful weight loss journey, we can help reveal the natural contours of the body with an after-weight-loss tummy tuck. To schedule your initial consultation today, call our office at (303) 708-8770 or fill out our contact form online.

Interested in the other treatments we have to offer? Check out the ABS blog; beyond tummy tucks, we offer VASER liposuction, non-invasive fat reduction, medically-assisted weight loss, and so much more. We look forward to providing you with a great treatment experience!

Before and After Photos

Skin Sagging After Massive Weight Loss

Weight loss has undeniable long-term health benefits. With the rise of bariatric surgeries such as the gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, and GLP-1 medications, more and more people have access to medically-assisted programs that help them achieve their goal weight. In particular, patients can achieve massive weight loss without surgery with GLP-1 medications, as their formulas quell appetites by imitating relevant hormones in the body. They can also slow certain digestive processes. However, despite their outstanding results, many patients notice the effects of rapid weight loss in the form of frustrating areas of loose, sagging skin that conceal their hard-earned results. This phenomenon has come to be known as “Ozempic body”.

After weight loss body contouring involves a set of procedures that tailor the body’s shape after significant weight loss and address these problem areas of skin sagging. An area that can be most noticeably affected by post-weight loss loose skin is the abdomen. The loose skin of the abdomen can create a prominent pouch that hangs over the lower body, impacting the way that clothes fit the body. With an after-weight-loss tummy tuck, patients can achieve a smoother silhouette as this excess skin is removed completely.

Types of Tummy Tuck

Your after-weight-loss tummy tuck can be tailored specifically to your needs. At Advanced Body Sculpting Institute, we offer mini tummy tucks and traditional, full tummy tucks.

Mini Tummy Tuck

The mini tummy tuck primarily focuses on the lower abdomen. By removing this lower section of excess skin, the abdomen can appear flatter and more toned. This procedure is great for people who are looking for a less extensive alternative to the traditional, full tummy tuck. While the mini tummy tuck will remove less skin, it will still be very effective in improving the appearance of the midsection and making clothes fit more comfortably. Your plastic surgeon can repair the lower abdominal muscles during this procedure as well.

Traditional (Full) Tummy Tuck

A traditional tummy tuck, also known as a full tummy tuck, can be a great surgical solution to excess skin for patients who experience loose tissue on both the lower and upper regions of the abdomen. During a full tummy tuck, your plastic surgeon can bring the muscles of both the upper and lower abdomen that might have separated as a result of weight gain back together, further enhancing the toned appearance of the stomach. These muscles can be difficult to bring back together on one’s own, even after practicing exercises directed at the impacted area. (2)

Your surgeon can extend the length of the incision for more comprehensive sculpting of the midsection in an extended tummy tuck.


Patients enjoy numerous benefits from a tummy tuck.

  • Smoother, flatter abdominal appearance
  • Reduced excess skin
  • Clothes fit better
  • Complements weight loss journey results
  • Reduced risk of skin infections (1)
  • Reestablished abdominal strength
  • Enhanced figure


If you have undergone massive weight loss and experience loose, hanging skin that impacts the quality of your daily life, you are most likely a great candidate for an after-weight-loss tummy tuck. The ideal candidate for this kind of procedure is a patient who has maintained a stable weight for some time. (1) Weight fluctuations after a tummy tuck procedure may compromise the results. The ideal candidate is also in good health, with a commitment to healthy lifestyle habits. Additionally, patients should have realistic expectations regarding the capabilities of body contouring procedures such as this.

Personal Consultation

Tummy Tuck Advanced Body Sculpting Institute in Denver

Before you schedule an appointment for an after-weight-loss tummy tuck, you will need to attend a personal consultation at ABS Institute. During this consultation, you will be welcomed by our patient care coordinators and staff. They will guide you through the process of receiving a tummy tuck after major weight loss. We will gather important information from you, such as your medical history. After a physical evaluation, they will discuss with you how a tummy tuck would apply to your situation, or if a different kind of treatment would be more effective.

If you are ready to deal with “Ozempic body”, please call our office at (303) 708-8770 or fill out our contact form online and let us know that you would like to set up an appointment.


To help you prepare for your after-weight-loss tummy tuck, our staff will provide you with comprehensive steps you will need to consider before your appointment. You will need to make several arrangements before your tummy tuck procedure, such as securing reliable transportation, taking adequate time off work, and stocking your home with the things you need. We will also advise you to stop smoking a few weeks before your procedure if this applies to you. (2) You may need to adjust your medication regimen or cease some medications altogether–some medications can impact the procedure or the healing process.


The procedure for a tummy tuck will be customized for each patient. All procedures begin with the administration of anesthesia and the placement of guiding markings. Your plastic surgeon will make the necessary incisions to remove the designated amount of excess skin. The incision for a mini tummy tuck will be a shorter, horizontal line on the lower abdomen, a full tummy tuck’s incision will extend out toward the sides, and the extended tummy tuck incisions will extend further. We also do liposuction of the upper and lower abdomen with a full tummy tuck. If necessary, your plastic surgeon will repair the abdominal muscles as well. After skin removal and muscle repair, your plastic surgeon will close the incisions and complete your procedure.


After your tummy tuck procedure is complete and you are ready to leave the surgery center, someone you trust should provide you with transportation and stay with you the first 24 hours so you can begin your recovery from the comfort of your own home. Recovery will look a little different for everybody. We recommend that you ask someone to provide you with assistance during the initial stages so that you can put as little strain on your body as possible. Recovering from a tummy tuck procedure typically takes around 6-8 weeks, but this length of time can vary for each patient. During these weeks, you should not exert yourself beyond light walks and careful movements. Our staff will let you know when you can participate in more intensive activities beyond this point.


After your tummy tuck, you will be unburdened by bothersome amounts of excess skin in the midsection. The area will look and feel flatter and firmer. Some patients find that their clothes fit in a more flattering way, and confidence may blossom as a result. It is also possible to feel more motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle after undergoing this body contouring procedure. Results are subject to change if a patient gains a significant amount of weight or becomes pregnant. However, if a patient practices healthy lifestyle choices to maintain their results, they can enjoy their results for years to come.

Cost of an After Weight Loss Tummy Tuck in Denver

The price of an after-weight-loss tummy tuck relies heavily on the specific situation of each individual patient. While you are in the process of considering this procedure, we encourage you to call our office and ask about our current promotions and specials. We offer the option of financing with the goal of improving patients’ experiences at the Advanced Body Sculpting Institute.

Please call our Denver office at (303) 708-8770 or fill out our contact form online to set up an appointment where we can discuss your customized procedure in more detail.


How long do tummy tuck results last?

The body contouring results of a tummy tuck can essentially last for a lifetime, as the removed tissue cannot reoccur in the same way. However, weight fluctuations can alter these results. If a patient gains a significant amount of weight after a tummy tuck, the tightened skin may stretch out again. On the other hand, if a patient loses a significant amount of weight after a tummy tuck, the patient can experience more sagging skin. You can help maintain the results of your tummy tuck by engaging in frequent exercise and healthy eating.

At what point in my life should I get a tummy tuck?

Ultimately, the point at which you receive a tummy tuck is entirely up to you. However, you should make sure that you have achieved and maintained a stable weight for at least 6-12 months. This weight should be at or near your ideal weight so that you do not lose a significant amount of weight after your procedure. You should also be at a point in your life where you are making healthy choices and have a healthy mindset about body contouring procedures.

Will I have scarring post-surgery?

Because they remove skin, tummy tucks inherently leave scars, but the strategic placement of the incision can minimize visibility. Over time, most scars will fade significantly.

How soon can I return to work following a tummy tuck?

The timeline for returning to work depends on the nature of your job. Most patients can return to sedentary jobs within 2 weeks but may need additional time for physically demanding roles.


  1. Sadeghi P, Duarte-Bateman D, Ma W, et al. Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery: Abdominoplasty, the State of the Art in Body Contouring. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022;11(15):4315. doi:
  2. Restifo RJ. Abdominoplasty in the Massive Weight Loss Patient: Are Aesthetic Goals and Safety Mutually Exclusive? Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum. Published online April 5, 2021. doi: