You may have heard about the beautiful results of liposuction, but wondered if the procedure was right for you.
At the Advanced Body Sculpting Institute, we work closely with our patients to custom-tailor their body and their procedure to their personal aesthetic goals. ABS is a top-ranked provider offering affordable liposuction. If you are frustrated by fat on a particular area of your body, liposuction may be the perfect way to finally achieve the body of your dreams!
The Advanced Body Sculpting Institute’s team of board-certified surgeons are innovators in their field. One of the ABS founders himself is the innovator and creator of the five-ring VASER probe design, a major advancement in VASER liposuction technology!
ABS’ dedication to employing and improving safe, minimally-invasive liposuction techniques translates to artistic, life-changing results for their patients. If you are interested in the benefits of liposuction, we will be happy to answer your questions during a private, informative appointment.
To help you decide if liposuction is right for you, the ABS team has provided a list of their patient’s most frequently asked questions:
What is liposuction surgery?
Liposuction is a minimally-invasive fat-elimination surgery. The procedure is performed using a slim cannula and a few tiny, well-placed incisions. Surgeons perform liposuction to eliminate stubborn localized fat deposits that refuse to respond to diet and exercise. Advancements in liposuction techniques deliver improved fat elimination and skin tightening for smoother, more tailored results than ever before. Patients are back to light activity within a week while still achieving results that can last a lifetime!
What are the types of liposuction?
The types of liposuction include Traditional Liposuction, also known as Power-Assisted Liposuction; Tumescent Liposuction, also known as Wet or Superwet Liposuction; ultrasound-assisted fat elimination with VASER liposuction; and laser-assisted fat elimination with SmartLipo Triplex.
What is Power-Assisted Liposuction?
Power-Assisted Liposuction is performed using a tumescent solution, a few tiny incisions, and a slim, vibrating cannula. Power-Assisted Liposuction used to be the standard in liposuction techniques but the cannula design is not ideal for targeted sculpting. The “suction” of the cannula was often traumatic to the surrounding tissues during fat elimination. This form of liposuction is now predominantly limited to use in the removal of deeper subdermal fat.
What is tumescent solution?
Tumescent solution, or tumescent fluid, is a mixture of epinephrine, lidocaine, and saline solution. Tumescent solution will be inserted into the treatment area and given time to take effect prior to liposuction surgery. This fluid will cause the fat cells to swell, making them easier to gently break away and extract from the body. Tumescent fluid will also constrict the blood vessels to reduce post-procedure bruising and swelling.
What is Superwet Liposuction?
Superwet liposuction, or tumescent liposuction, optimizes fat elimination with tumescent fluid for a gentle, safe liposuction procedure. Once the tumescent fluid has taken effect in the treated area, the surgeon will use a slim cannula to gently break away and extract the swollen fat from the body. This form of liposuction is highly popular and, when performed by the right board-certified surgeon, produces impressively slim, flattering body contours.
What is SmartLipo?
SmartLipo emulsifies fat with targeted laser energy. A fine laser fiber located in the cannula will melt fat for easy removal. The heat from the laser triggers tissue contracture, resulting in tighter skin and smoother, slimmer body contours.
What is VASER Liposuction?
VASER technology optimizes fat elimination while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues. VASER liposuction applies ultrasound energy, which gently emulsifies fat cells. The cells are then easily aspirated from the body. VASER removes more fat per area than traditional liposuction methods and enables surgeons to address fat between muscle groups. This improved ultrasound energy application delivers precise body contouring and reduces the amount of time the VASER aspirator is within the body, thus reducing recovery times for patients. The VASER probe enables a “lipo-selective” surgery: your surgeon can address your upper, deep, and superficial fat with VASER, while the surrounding structures are unharmed by the ultrasound waves. VASER has the added benefit of promoting tissue contracture for impressively tighter skin contours.
What type of liposuction is best?
The type of liposuction you receive will depend on your personal goals, your health profile, and your surgeon’s professional opinion. Out of all their years of experience, the ABS surgeons have seen VASER liposuction consistently deliver the tightest, most precise body contours safely for their patients.
What can liposuction do?
Liposuction surgery can:
-Eliminate stubborn fat from the body
-Tighten skin
-Improve the curve or athletic tone of the body
-Create the appearance of more defined muscles with VASER liposuction
-Achieve targeted results
-Improve self-confidence
-Encourage better health habits in the future
-Help patients get rid of their last bit of fat
-Help patients accomplish the body of their dreams!
How do I know if liposuction is right for me?
Consult with our trained specialists to find out if liposuction is right for you. Best candidates are in overall good health, within a few pounds of their goal weight, and have a healthy skin tone. We will be happy to answer your questions and assess your candidacy for liposuction during a private, informative consultation.
What areas can be liposuctioned?
Liposuction can be performed to slim and sculpt the:
-Bra Roll
-Inner Thighs
-Outer Thighs
-Mons Pubis
Can liposuction help with cellulite?
VASER liposuction is particularly effective at smoothing subdermal fat and tightening skin. As a result, patients may experience a reduction in their visible cellulite. However, patients who would like to specifically address cellulite will see the best results with a separate cellulite treatment called Cellulaze. Cellulaze is a thin laser probe inserted just under the skin to target and melt the fat responsible for the “cottage cheese” look of cellulite. The heat of the treatment also stimulates collagen growth for smoother, healthier skin tone.
Can liposuction help back pain?
Yes. Liposuction can in some instances reduce back pain. For example, if women are experiencing back pain due to the weight of their breasts, they are good candidates for breast reduction with liposuction.
Will liposuction leave scars?
Liposuction requires only a small number of one centimeter to half centimeter incisions to perform. These incisions will be placed in areas where they will be easily concealed in the natural folds of the body. With proper aftercare, scarring will be minimal to non-existent after liposuction at ABS.
Will liposuction tighten skin?
Traditional liposuction methods eliminate fat to improve body contours, but will not promote skin tightening. VASER liposuction and SmartLipo have both shown to stimulate tissue contracture, producing tighter skin and more dramatic, slimmer body contours.
Will liposuction make me lose weight?
Due to the fact that liposuction eliminates fat cells from the body, patients will inadvertently lose weight after their surgery. However, liposuction is not intended to be used as a weight-loss solution. It is designed to help patients who are in overall good shape get rid of their last remaining fat pockets in order to accomplish a slimmer, more flattering body contour.
How much weight can you lose with liposuction?
Patients will see their best results from liposuction if they are within a few pounds of their goal weight. A liposuction procedure can remove up to 11 pounds of fat safely. Your surgeon will advise you if more weight loss will be necessary prior to your surgery. Liposuction is not intended to be used as a weight-loss procedure.
Is liposuction permanent?
Results of liposuction are long-term! Liposuction physically removes fat cells from the body. Barring major weight gain, results will last for years. Patients who maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle will not develop new fat cells in the treated area.
Does the fat come back?
No, but it is always possible to gain weight even after liposuction treatment. However, fat cells removed by surgery are permanently removed. With a healthy diet and exercise, the results are long-lasting! If you gain 5-10 pounds, you will not notice a difference, but if you gain 50 pounds, you will begin to notice a difference because the fat cells that do remain can expand in size.
Is liposuction safe?
When performed by an experienced, board-certified surgeon, liposuction is safe. It is important to do your research and seek liposuction from a board-certified surgeon you trust.
Can liposuction make you healthier?
Liposuction eliminates fat, thereby reducing the risks of fat-related health issues. Liposuction also encourages healthier lifestyle choices: studies show that patients who receive liposuction have an easier time losing and keeping off the weight after their procedure.
What type of fat does liposuction remove?
Liposuction addresses subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat, a type of fat that forms deeper in the body and around the internal organs, cannot be addressed with liposuction. If patients are experiencing firm abdominal fat, similar to a “beer belly,” they may be experiencing visceral fat. Visceral fat has to be addressed with diet and exercise.
What type of anesthesia is used for liposuction?
Patients can receive liposuction under local anesthesia.
Can liposuction be done while awake?
Yes. Qualifying patients can be kept comfortable with local anesthesia during their liposuction. This avoids the cost and extended recovery associated with general anesthesia.
What is downtime after liposuction?
Recovery timelines following liposuction vary on an individual basis. In general, patients are able to get back to work within five to seven days of their liposuction surgery! Gym and exercise routines may be resumed within three to six weeks.
What is recovery like for liposuction?
Patients will be advised to rest and take periodic walks over the first few days of their recovery. Instructions will be given to help control post-procedure bruising and swelling.
How is the swelling?
Your swelling is at its worst in the first 3 weeks. It gets better over time and final results are noticeable within 4-6 months.
Do I need a caregiver afterward?
Yes, you will need a trusted adult (18+) driving you home from your surgical procedure and staying with you during the first 24 hours.
How painful is it afterward?
Everyone’s recovery is different but we send you home with narcotics and Celebrex with instructions and routines to maximize your comfort level.
What about drains/garments?
You are in a compression garment for 3-4 weeks on average and your drains are in place for an average of 7 to 10 days.
Are there any sutures?
Yes and these sutures typically get removed after 2 weeks.
When can I shower after liposuction?
You will be free to shower 24 to 48 hours after liposuction.
When can I go swimming after liposuction?
Avoid swimming and baths for two weeks following liposuction.
When can I travel?
You will be safe to fly within a week of liposuction. However, extended car trips or long flights should be avoided for the first few weeks of your recovery. Discuss any travel plans with your surgeon ahead of time.
How much does it cost to get liposuction on your stomach?
The cost of liposuction is $3000 per area, 2nd area is 25% off, and 3rd area is 50% off. Additionally, there is a $1275 facility fee.